
FortisBC projects and energy topics that matter

FortisBC projects and energy topics that matter

Project updates

Eagle Mountain - Woodfibre Gas Pipeline Project

March 18, 2025

Update on temporary construction laydown yard near Valleycliffe

We’ve been working closely with the District of Squamish as we move forward with a temporary construction laydown yard northeast of Valleycliffe, which we plan to begin preparing in late March. This follows the District of Squamish Council decision in fall 2024 to approve a Temporary Use Permit for the yard, and issuance of the permit this month. The construction laydown yard will be used for storing equipment and materials, as well as parking and fuelling. These activities reflect a reduction in uses from our initial plans. In particular, we no longer intend to use an approximately 2.5 acre portion of land on the west side of the approved area, reducing the number of trees to be cleared, nor will we use site offices as originally planned. The yard’s location was selected in consultation with Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation), whose land we are leasing for the yard. Beginning in late March crews will be undertaking vegetation and tree clearing at the temporary construction laydown yard, as well as along our new right of way.The new temporary construction laydown yard will be located near the intersection of Mamquam River Forest Service Road and Powerhouse Springs Road.Clearing works will generally occur from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday to Friday and 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturdays.There will be trail closures in this area, including the Connector Trail north of the construction laydown yard. Closed areas are highlighted in yellow on the map below.Minor traffic delays on the nearby Forest Service Roads may occur to accommodate large trucks and the area will be monitored by traffic control personnel.We’ve notified nearby residents and local recreational groups to help bring awareness to this work and inform their trail-use planning. For safety and awareness, we’ll also be posting trail closure signage.Thank you for your patience, as we complete this work safely, and as quickly as possible. 
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Eagle Mountain - Woodfibre Gas Pipeline Project

March 10, 2025

Gas pipe transport in Squamish

Beginning mid-March through to mid-May, our contractors will be transporting by truck from the BC Rail site to Squamish Terminals.Throughout this period, we anticipate making roughly 12 round-trips every three days. Deliveries will occur 7 a.m.–8 p.m., Monday to Friday, and on Saturdays between 8 a.m.–7 p.m. if required.Trucks will be travelling on the District of Squamish’s designated truck routes including Third Avenue, Vancouver Street, Loggers Lane, Cleveland Avenue, Highway 99, Industrial Way, Queens Way and Government Road.We thank you for your patience as we work to transport these materials safely.
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Okanagan Capacity Mitigation Project

March 4, 2025

FortisBC receives BCUC approval for the Okanagan Capacity Mitigation Project

The British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) has granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) to FortisBC to move forward with the Okanagan Capacity Mitigation Project (OCMP). Through this project, FortisBC will help meet future energy demand on the coldest days of the year in the Okanagan region, starting in the winter of 2026/27.The OCMP will involve construction of a small-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage and send-out facility along Spall Road in Kelowna, next to an existing natural gas station on industrial zoned land owned by FortisBC. All stored LNG will be transported annually from our Tilbury facility in Delta, B.C., with no LNG production taking place in Kelowna. The tanks on-site are expected to be empty for most of the year.The facility will be constructed in two phases beginning in 2026 to become operational by the winter of 2026/27, with the second and final phase of construction expected to take place in 2027.
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