After the success of last year’s event, we continued to support the community of Squamish by offering another free mini-golf and barbecue lunch event.
More than 100 people joined us at the WhistlePunk Hollow Adventure RV Park.
Jeff and Janice, the owners of the park said, “We’re happy to have FortisBC here and we like that the company is involved with local communities.”
We enjoyed welcoming families who visited our booth and helping our customers by answering their questions about natural gas. We also continued to seek feedback from local stakeholders and residents about our Eagle Mountain-Woodfibre Gas Pipeline project.

Antonio Bebic, community relations liaison with FortisBC said, “We had a great time again this year, and met a lot of wonderful people. It’s great to be involved with the communities we serve, like Squamish, and continue building those meaningful relationships. Looking forward to next year!”
This community appreciation event was such a success that many people requested that we return for a third annual mini-golf event in 2019. We look forward to many more events in the local community and will continue to strengthen our partnership with other local businesses and families.