BC Rail site
Water management application documents:
- FortisBC Waste Discharge Authorization - BC Rail Site - September 2022.pdf
- Appendix A - EPG Tunnel Design Drawings.pdf
- Appendix B - Sampling and Analysis for the BC Rail Site.pdf
- Appendix C - Evaluation of the BC Rail Site water discharge options.pdf
- Appendix D - Fish and Fish Habitat Technical Memorandum.pdf
- Appendix E - Water Management Plan - EGP Tunnel East Shaft Dewatering.pdf
- Appendix F - Squamish River Water Quality Assessment.pdf
- Appendix G - Construction Water Treatment Design Basis Memorandum.pdf
- Figure 1 overview.pdf
Woodfibre LNG site
Water management application documents:
- FortisBC Waste Discharge Authorization - WLNG Site - September 2022.pdf
- Appendix A - EGP Tunnel Design Drawings.pdf
- Appendix B - Water Management Plan.pdf
- Appendix C - Sampling and Analysis for the WLNG Site.pdf
- Appendix D - Fish and Fish Habitat Technical Memorandum.pdf
- Appendix E - Summary of Stream Hydrology for Stream X.pdf
- Appendix F-1 - 20211019 Surface Water Quality Sampling along the Bedrock Tunnel.pdf
- Appendix F-2 - 20220207 Surface Water Quality Sampling along the Bedrock Tunnel.pdf
- Appendix G - Construction Water Treatment Design Basis Memorandum.pdf
- Appendix H - Overview of ARD PAG Issues for the OGC.pdf
- Figure 1 - Overview.pdf