
Pattullo Gas Line Replacement

Our 20-inch gas line on the original Pattullo Bridge ensured more than 35,000 homes and businesses in New Westminster, Burnaby and Coquitlam received the natural gas they count on every day.

About this project

When the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure announced it was preparing to replace the Pattullo Bridge, we started to plan how we would continue to maintain gas service for our customers once the existing gas line on the bridge was decommissioned.

Since the Ministry’s design standards wouldn’t permit a gas line on the new bridge, we built six kilometres of new gas line through Burnaby. Work started in November 2021 and was completed in Fall 2022.

As part of the process to select a new route, we assessed a number of factors including how to best minimize potential community and environmental impacts, as well as safety, cost and schedule. We selected the route based on technical investigations, City of Burnaby input and feedback received during engagement with numerous stakeholders and communities.

Pattullo gas line replacement project map
Click to expand

Our gas line route

The Pattullo Gas Line Replacement Project included the following work:

  • Approximately six kilometres of new gas line, between Lougheed Highway and Sperling Avenue, and 16th Avenue and 4th Street
  • Construction mainly along Sperling Avenue, Glencarin Drive, Lakefield Drive and 4th Street
  • A new underground pressure regulating station at the intersection of 16th Avenue and 4th Street
  • A new cycling and walking path along the route, built in partnership with the City of Burnaby

We also decommissioned the existing gas line and associated infrastructure on and around the Pattullo Bridge in New Westminster and Surrey in Summer 2023, in advance of the bridge's demolition.

Project timelines

On June 30, 2021 we received approval of our application and were issued a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from our regulator the British Columbia Utilities Commission.

Gas line construction started in November 2021 and finished in Fall 2022. Decommissioning our existing gas line and associated infrastructure on and around the Pattullo Bridge took place in 2023.

In July and November 2020, and October 2021 we held virtual information sessions where the community could learn more about the project, get their questions answered and provide feedback.

We estimate this project cost approximately $175 million, which works out to an increase of approximately $6.40 per year for the typical residential customer.


Project publicly announced

We first informed the community that we were looking into options to replace a gas line we have attached to the Pattullo Bridge, ahead of the bridge and our gas line being decommissioned.


Engagement starts on proposed Burnaby gas line

We began engaging with the community, stakeholders and Indigenous groups on a proposal to build a replacement gas line in Burnaby.

June 2021

BCUC approval

Our regulator, the BC Utilities Commission, approved our application for a Certificate of Public Necessity and Convenience for the project.

November 2021

Gas line construction underway

Fall 2022

Gas line construction completed


Existing gas line decommissioned

September 7, 2022

Upcoming Lakefield Drive paving

We are preparing to pave Lakefield Drive as our work in the area nears completion. This will mean road and lane closures in September, to give our crews the space they need to work safely and as quickly as possible.

  • Mid to late September: Rolling full road closures of about 200-300m on Lakefield Drive between Nursery Street and Reigate Road, to support milling. Currently estimated for September 14-22.
  • Late September: A two-day full road closure between Nursery Street and Reigate Road during working hours (7am to 5pm), to support paving. Currently estimated for September 22-23.
  • These dates are subject to change, including due to weather, and our interactive traffic map is the best place to access the latest information on road and lane closures.

September 7, 2022

Bringing the new gas line into operation

With our new gas line almost complete, work is about to start testing it and connecting it to our existing system. In coming weeks this will include work at Lougheed Highway, and the intersection of 16th Avenue and 4th Street. This includes:

  • Full closure of 16th Avenue west of the 4th Street intersection until late October, with motorists able to detour via 10th Avenue to Cariboo Road. 
  • Full closure of 4th Street north of the 16th Avenue intersection until late October.
  • Lane closures on Lougheed Highway at the intersections of Sperling and Springer avenues until late October, with at least one westbound and one eastbound lane maintained at all times.
  • Some overnight work anticipated for mid-September, and Sunday work throughout September.
  • Short periods of loud work near Lougheed Highway and Sperling Avenue, and 16th Avenue and 4th Street, as air compressors are needed to test and dry the new gas line.

We apologize for the disruptions this work causes and appreciate the community’s patience as we complete these final steps installing our new gas line.

August 25, 2022

Additional 16th Avenue closures

We require additional closures of 16th Avenue to support work installing the pressure regulating station. There will be a full road closure during working hours (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) on August 26 and 31, and September 2, and motorists can detour via Graham Avenue. Learn more about the underground pressure regulating station being built as part of this project.

August 4, 2022

16th Avenue traffic disruptions

We’re progressing work installing a new underground pressure regulating station at the intersection of 16th Avenue and 4th Street. To complete this work safely and as quickly as possible, there will be lane and road closures on 16th Avenue west of 4th Street in August. This includes:

  • August 15, 18 and 23: 16th Avenue will be closed to traffic, with motorists able to detour via Graham Avenue.
  • August 9, 10, 11 and 17: 16th Avenue will be single-lane access traffic. 

These dates are subject to change and our traffic map will contain the latest information including dates on this work.

Learn more about the underground pressure regulating station being built as part of this project.

August 3, 2022

Paving starting

We expect to pave sections of Lakefield Drive and 4th Street on Saturday, August 6. Short, intermittent traffic lane and road closures will be needed to allow our crews to complete this work.

July 6, 2022

Edmonds Street intersection open

Work is complete at the intersection of 4th and Edmonds streets, with access open for vehicles heading northwest to Robert Burnaby Park and nearby homes. The intersection is closed to the southeast and motorists cannot make a right-hand turn from Edmonds Street on to 4th Street. 

Construction is now underway along Lakefield Drive and 4th Street between the BC Hydro trail and Robert Burnaby Park, with the road closed to traffic. Vehicles can use Edmonds Street to access Robert Burnaby Park or nearby homes.

July 1, 2022

Upcoming Lougheed Highway lane closures

Construction is expected to start on Lougheed Highway in early July, just east of the Kensington Avenue overpass. There will be lane closures to give our crews the space they need to work safely and as quickly as possible, with an eastbound and westbound lane kept open at all times. 

This work is expected to be completed in August; however, we will need to return to the area in the fall to connect the new gas line to an existing line on Lougheed Highway.

June 13, 2022

Highway 1 crossing underway

We’ve started work crossing Highway 1 between the Freeway Trail and Nursery Street-Lakefield Drive. We will be using a trenchless crossing to go underneath the highway, meaning traffic won’t be impacted by gas line construction.

The two worksites required for trenchless construction are located on either side of Highway 1, at the Nursery Street cul-de-sac and on the Freeway Trail. Early works are now underway including installing casing – which can be noisy at times – and we are taking steps to mitigate any disruptions. Once the casing is installed our new gas line will be placed inside it.

We expect our Highway 1 crossing to be completed by late July, and appreciate the community’s patience as crews work safely and as quickly as possible.

May 25, 2022

Underground pressure regulating station work underway

We are installing an underground pressure regulating station at the intersection of 16th Avenue and 4th Street as part of this project. Pressure regulating stations operate throughout our service territory, helping us reduce the pressure of gas so it can be safely moved through our system and delivered to homes and businesses.

Once complete, above ground you will be able to see the top of four vaults, as well as four vents, two chest-high control cabinets, a chest-high kiosk control box and a manhole. The vaults will be level with the ground and the area will also be secured with barriers as a safety precaution.

To support this work, we expect day-time closures of the westbound lane on 16th Avenue to start in coming weeks. Access will be maintained via single-lane alternating traffic. The lane closure will be lifted outside of construction hours, overnight and on Sundays.

Burnaby compressor station graphic

May 6, 2022

4th Street work progress

Construction is now underway at two new sections on 4th Street:

  • between Rosewood and Edmonds streets, including in front of the laneway southeast of Rosewood Street
  • between the intersections of 16th and 18th avenues

To give crews the space they need to work safely and as quickly as possible, 4th Street will be fenced off and closed in these two areas. Laneway access will be closed until early June, and due to the nature of the work we are unable to reopen it until construction in the area is complete.

April 8, 2022

Burnaby Lake Sperling Avenue closures starting tomorrow

Installation of our gas line under the Still Creek area, between Joe Sakic Way and Winston Street, is about to begin. We are using trenchless construction to install the gas line, tunnelling under the area and leaving the surface undisturbed.

To allow crews to complete this work safely and as quickly as possible:

  • Starting early morning on Saturday, April 9, access to Roberts Street and the CG Brown Memorial Pool parking lot from Sperling Avenue will be closed. This includes closing vehicle access to the Burnaby Lake Rowing Pavilion, and adjacent facilities and parking.
  • Access to Roberts Street, the Burnaby Lake Rowing Pavilion and associated facilities is expected to reopen Wednesday, April 13.
  • Access to the CG Brown Memorial Pool parking lot is expected to reopen a few days later.
  • Access to the Burnaby Lake parking lot will be maintained from the north via Joe Sakic Way, while access to Glencarin Drive will remain as single-lane alternating traffic. 

April 7, 2022

Community pop-up at Robert Burnaby Park

We’ll be at Robert Burnaby Park from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. this Saturday, April 9, to provide a project update and thank the community for its patience so far. Join us to ask any questions you have, grab a coffee and doughnut, and pick up some swag.

April 5, 2022

Burnaby Lake bike detour

Work is now underway along the western end of the Freeway Trail, meaning it’s closed to hikers and cyclists. Other trails in the area are open, including the parallel Southshore Trail. Cyclists travelling east-west should detour north of Burnaby Lake on Winston Street. We expect work in this area to continue into the summer.

Bike detour map around Burnaby Lake

April 1, 2022

Upcoming closures on Sperling Avenue

In early to mid-April we will be installing our gas line under the Still Creek area, which is being done using trenchless construction. To complete this work safely and as quickly as possible, we’ll be closing access to Roberts Street and the CG Brown Memorial Pool parking lot from Sperling Avenue for about five days. This means vehicles will not be able to access the Burnaby Lake Rowing Pavilion. Access to the Burnaby Lake parking lot will remain open from the north, via Joe Sakic Way. 

We’ll inform the community of the exact dates for this closure ahead of it starting.

March 18, 2022

4th Street work update

Construction is progressing on 4th Street, with the next section expected to start the week of March 21. There will be a full road closure between premises 6943 and 7077 to support construction, and allow our crews to complete work safely and as quickly as possible.

The 4th Street entrance to the laneway north of Rosewood Street will be closed, with a temporary road being built on Elwell Street to maintain access during construction.

Access to homes north of the worksite as well as the Robert Burnaby Park parking lot will be maintained from the north, via Reigate Road.

Robert Burnaby Park work area map

March 8, 2022

Accessing Burnaby Lake and nearby facilities

If you’re planning a trip to Burnaby Lake or one of the nearby recreation facilities, it’s important to remember that construction is taking place there this spring and summer.

To give our crews the space they need to work safely and as quickly as possible, there will be parking and traffic disruptions along Sperling Avenue and Glencarin Drive. So whether you’re playing on the local fields, heading out on the water or taking your dog for a walk – it’s important to “know before you go” and give yourself a little extra time to get where you’re going.

Sperling avenue parking map

February 4, 2022

Trenchless gas line construction about to start

We are using a trenchless construction technique called a horizontal direction drill to pass our gas line under the Still Creek area, leaving the surface undisturbed and minimizing impacts. This work is expected to start mid-February and be completed in April. Here is what you need to know:

  • There will be two worksites: one near the intersection of Lougheed Highway and Winston Street, and the other on Sperling Avenue adjacent to the Bill Copeland Sports Centre.
  • Early works in February will include installing casing – which will be noisy at times. We’re taking steps to mitigate disruption from this work including installing special sound barriers at both worksites. It will take up to two weeks to install casing at the Lougheed Highway site and one week at the Sperling Avenue site.
  • Starting around early March, once casing is installed, drilling will take place 24-7 at the Lougheed Highway site.
  • Work at the Sperling Avenue site will take place during regular construction hours and will close a section of the street adjacent to the Bill Copeland Sports Centre.

We understand this work may be disruptive and are working with our contractor on mitigation steps. We apologize for any disturbance this work causes and encourage you to call us if you have any concerns or feedback.

January 26, 2022

Work starts on the Freeway Trail

Gas line construction is now underway on the western end of the Freeway Trail. The trail is closed in the area to give our crews the space they need to work safely and as quickly as possible, with the Southshore Trail staying open throughout construction.

Trail closed signs have been installed where needed and for safety reasons we request people using trails in the area stay clear of our worksites.

Work in this area is expected to be completed in the summer.

January 25, 2022

Work starts near Robert Burnaby Park

Construction is starting near Robert Burnaby Park baseball field this week. To give crews the space they need to work safely and as quickly as possible, there will be a full road closure of Lakefield Drive and 4th Street between the BC Hydro trail to just east of the Elwell Street intersection. The nearby Robert Burnaby Park parking lot will remain partially open, with vehicles needing to access it from the south.

Construction along 4th Street will progress eastwards in sections of about 150 metres, and we expect to complete work near Robert Burnaby Park by early summer.

December 17, 2021

Lakefield Drive full road closure required

As early as January 4, 2022, we’ll be starting work on a section of Lakefield Drive that will require a full road closure. This is due to our worksite being located in the centre of the road in the area to avoid third-party utilities. The area affected will be directly west of the laneway access and the sidewalk will remain open throughout this work. We expect to complete this work late February. Please refer to our interactive traffic map for the latest details on road impacts and construction schedules.

December 17, 2021

Work winds down for the holidays, resumes early January

Construction on our gas line upgrades in Burnaby will shut down over the holiday period, finishing on December 23 and resuming January 4. Fencing will remain up and we’ll monitor our worksites to ensure they remain safe and secure. Some equipment such as generators and pumps may be needed over the break for water management.

In the new year, we’ll resume gas line construction that started this year along Glencarin Drive and Sperling Avenue south of Thomas Street, and on Lakefield Drive.
We also expect to start work in two new areas in January:

  • We’ll be working along Sperling Avenue, near the Sprott Street intersection. There will be single-lane alternating traffic in the area, with concrete traffic barriers being placed on the west side of Sperling Avenue. These barriers will prohibit access to the tennis courts from Sperling Avenue; however, tennis court access from Sprott Street will be unaffected.
  • We’ll also be working along Lakefield Drive, south of the Reigate Drive intersection. A single eastbound lane will be kept open adjacent to our worksite. This lane will be local access only when work is taking place, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday. There will be no westbound access to Reigate Drive during this work.

We want to thank the community for its patience and understanding during construction in 2021, and wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season.

December 8, 2021

Work underway on Lakefield Drive, Sperling Avenue and Glencarin Drive

We’ve now started construction in a number of areas along the route, including:

  • Gas line construction on Lakefield Drive is being completed in 150m segments, with an eastbound lane generally kept open throughout construction. This lane is local access only during construction hours (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.) to maintain access to homes along the route.
  • Work is ramping up on Glencarin Drive and Sperling Avenue south of Thomas Street, as our crews widen the road, locate underground utilities and construct the gas line. Expect to see single-lane alternating traffic in this area.
  • Closing and restricting a number of parking lots along Sperling Avenue and Glencarin Drive to support construction. This includes the full closure of the Freeway Trail parking lot and Burnaby Lake East Gravel Field #10 until late 2022.

November 16, 2021

Work starts on Pattullo Gas Line Replacement

Our crews started moving to site this week, as work on the project got underway. Starting as early as this week, we will be:

  • Removing trees and vegetation, and putting up construction fences on Lakefield Drive and Nursery Street. Learn more about what construction on Lakefield Drive will look like
  • Closing the southern part of the Burnaby Lake parking lot on Sperling Avenue, including the south entrance.
  • Widening the road and building a new access road on Glencarin Drive.
  • Closing the Freeway Trail parking lot at the southeast end of Glencarin Drive. We expect this parking lot to remain closed until late 2022 to support work in the area.

November 1, 2021

Early works underway

In the coming weeks you will see our crews out along the route completing preparation work ahead of construction. This includes:

  • Ongoing geotechnical investigations and locating underground utilities on Sperling Avenue, Glencarin Drive and Lakefield Drive.
  • Preparing to build temporary access roads at Glencarin Drive and the Nursery Street cul-de-sac.
  • Delivering large equipment such as water tanks and sea containers to the Sperling Avenue-Glencarin Drive intersection and Lakefield Drive.
  • Vegetation and tree removal starting mid-November.

Working hours will be 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday to Saturday. There will be limited impacts to traffic and parking disruptions to give our crews the space they need to work safely and as quickly as possible.

September 27, 2021

Join us for a virtual information session

Join us for a virtual information session on October 14 or 19, 2021 as part of our community engagement on the Pattullo Gas Line Replacement project. These sessions will be an opportunity for the community to learn more about the project, ask questions and provide input. Get more information and register.

To stay up-to-date on the project, bookmark this updates page or subscribe to our Talking Energy Pattullo Gas Line Replacement newsletter.

June 30, 2021

Project receives BCUC approval

The British Columbia Utilities Commission today approved the Pattullo Gas Line Replacement project application and issued a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for it.

This project will ensure we can continue to supply natural gas safely and reliably to more than 35,000 homes and businesses in Burnaby, Coquitlam and New Westminster, once the gas line that is currently attached to the Pattullo Bridge is decommissioned.

The replacement gas line runs through Burnaby, along Sperling Avenue, Glencarin Drive, Lakefield Drive and 4th Street. Construction is expected to start this fall and finish by the end of 2022.

To stay up-to-date on the project, bookmark this Updates page or subscribe to our Talking Energy Pattullo Gas Line Replacement newsletter.

May 7, 2021

Work starting to support project planning

We will be carrying out work along our proposed gas line route in Burnaby in May and June to support project planning, including locating underground utilities such as water and telecommunication lines, and testing ground conditions. 

  • Starting Monday, May 10, and continuing into June, our crews will be locating underground utilities on Lougheed Highway, Central Valley Greenway, Sperling Avenue, Glencarin Drive, Lakefield Drive and 4th Street. Work will generally take up to one day at each site and will occur Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
  • In late May, we will be digging three small trenches along Sperling Avenue and Glencarin Drive to test local ground conditions, as well as drilling a number of small holes for soil and water sampling.

This work will result in noise levels similar to general construction activities, and personnel will help safely direct motorists, cyclists and pedestrians through these areas. All sites will be restored to their original condition.

We appreciate the community’s patience as our crews complete this work safely and as quickly as possible. 

April 20, 2021

Community feedback helps decide new gas line route in Burnaby

FortisBC confirmed today that it has selected a preferred route for a proposed new gas line in Burnaby, following engagement with the local community including the City of Burnaby. The proposed gas line would run along Sperling Avenue, Glencarin Drive, Lakefield Drive and 4th Street in Burnaby, and is needed to replace FortisBC’s gas line that is attached to the existing Pattullo Bridge.

December 17, 2020

Regulatory update filed

We submitted an update to our regulator the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) this week. This assessment is ongoing and we expect to have a final decision from the BCUC in the first half of 2021.

You can view our project application and updates here, and learn more at the BCUC website.

November 19, 2020

Second route option proposed for Pattullo Gas Line Replacement project

FortisBC is assessing a new route option in Burnaby to replace a gas line it has attached to the Pattullo Bridge, based on feedback received during engagement.

The British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is preparing to replace the Pattullo Bridge. Decommissioning the existing bridge will require FortisBC to relocate a gas line currently attached to it. The line is a vital part of our system, helping deliver natural gas to more than 35,000 homes and businesses in Burnaby, New Westminster and Coquitlam. This includes approximately 18,000 customers in Burnaby.

The Ministry’s design standards do not permit a gas line on the new bridge, and we have been engaging the community on a proposed replacement line along Gaglardi Way, Cariboo Road and 16th Avenue in Burnaby.

  • Based on this engagement, we are now assessing a new possible route option to the west that would:
  • Start near the intersection of Sperling Avenue and Lougheed Highway, and finish near the intersection of 16th Avenue and 4th Street
  • Largely follow Sperling Avenue and Glencarin Drive north of Highway 1, and Lakefield Drive and 4th Street south of the highway
  • Include a new underground facility near the intersection of 16th Avenue and 4th Street

We invite the community to attend one of our virtual information sessions on November 24 and 26, where they can learn more and ask questions.

September 21, 2020

Project application filed

We submitted an application with our regulator, the BC Utilities Commission on August 31. We will be filing updates to this application in the fall as our planning and engagement work progresses. If you want to know more about the BCUC process or get involved, visit You have until October 15 to register with the BCUC to be involved.

July 22, 2020

Work at 17th Ave and Newcombe St

We will be conducting geotechnical work at the intersection of 17th Avenue and Newcombe Street in Burnaby on Thursday, July 23. This work will help us understand ground conditions in the area to support project planning. Work will take place east of the intersection and not affect traffic travelling north-south or west. Nearby homes may experience some noise associated with the work.

June 19, 2020

Project planning fieldwork begins

Early works to support project planning are now underway along the route in Burnaby, including geotechnical ground investigations and site surveys. This work will take place over June and July, and will involve some lane closures lasting one to three days per site.

In late June, we expect to complete some work at the intersection of Gaglardi Way and Lougheed Highway that will mean a single lane closure for southbound traffic.

There will also be intermittent lane closures along 16th and 17th avenues between 1st Street and Cariboo Road from late June to mid-July, to support civil survey work.

We appreciate the community’s patience as we complete this work safely and as quickly as possible.

June 17, 2020

Virtual information sessions

We’re hosting two virtual information sessions as part of our community engagement on the Pattullo Gas Line Replacement project. These sessions will be an opportunity for the community to learn more about the project, get their questions answered and provide feedback.

Please join us:

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

  • Toll-free dial-in: 1-888-300-0053
  • Conference ID: 8633337
  • Online presentation password: Pattullo1

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

  • Toll Free Dial-In: 1-888-300-0053 
  • Phone conference ID: 8371177 
  • Online presentation password: Pattullo1

There will be a short presentation about the project at 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., followed by a question and answer period.

Can’t join us for an information session? 
Ask us a question or provide your feedback by phone or email. 
Call us at 604-576-7208
Email us at [email protected]

June 17, 2020

Replacement project for gas line on the Pattullo Bridge

FortisBC is proposing to build a new gas line in Burnaby to replace the one it has attached to the existing Pattullo Bridge.

The British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is preparing to replace the Pattullo Bridge. Decommissioning the existing bridge will require FortisBC to relocate a gas line currently attached to it. The Ministry’s design standards do not permit a gas line on the new bridge.

This gas line is a crucial part of our system, supplying more than 35,000 homes and businesses in Burnaby, New Westminster and Coquitlam with natural gas. This includes approximately 18,000 customers in Burnaby.

The proposed new gas line would connect our system in New Westminster and Burnaby, running between the intersections of Broadway and Gaglardi Way, and 16th Avenue and 1st Street. The Pattullo Gas Line Replacement project is expected to include:

  • Approximately five kilometres of new gas line, mainly along Gaglardi Way, Cariboo Road and 16th Avenue
  • An underground facility at the intersection of Newcombe Street and 17th Avenue
  • Decommissioning of the existing gas line on and around the Pattullo Bridge

The project is still in the early planning stages, and we are engaging with stakeholders, Indigenous groups and the community on the route to gather feedback and identify ways to minimize impacts. As FortisBC adapts to the challenges of COVID-19, it is continuing to advance critical projects to support the everyday energy needs of customers and communities including this gas line replacement. This includes offering ongoing engagement opportunities as the project progresses.

We want to invite the community to our virtual information sessions on July 8 and 14, which will be an opportunity to learn more, ask questions and provide feedback.

We expect to file an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity with the British Columbia Utilities Commission later this year. If approved, construction is planned for 2022. 

May 6, 2019

Pattullo Gas Line Replacement project kicks off

Work is underway reviewing options to replace our gas line on the Pattullo Bridge, ahead of the bridge being replaced and decommissioned.

We expect to select a preferred option later this year and to file an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity with the British Columbia Utilities Commission in 2020. Construction is currently scheduled for 2021.

We will continue to keep the community informed of this project as it progresses.

There are currently no events scheduled. Please check back again soon.

At FortisBC, we believe serving the community is a privilege. That’s why we're committed to keeping you informed every step of the way.

Working with local and Indigenous communities

A man and woman smile at the camera
(L to R) William Hyde, community relations manager, FortisBC and Jo Hunton-Sehdev, community & Indigenous relations liaison, FortisBC engaged with the Burnaby community on the Pattullo Gas Line Replacement Project.


Prior to project approval, we held virtual information sessions in July and November 2020, providing the community with an opportunity to learn more about the project, ask questions and provide feedback. Once the project was approved, we hosted two more virtual information sessions on October 14 and 19, 2021 to continue our conversation with members of the community and provide them with more opportunities to offer input.

In addition to hosting these six information sessions, we’ve distributed more than 20,000 letters, talked to a broad range of stakeholders and have engaged with 17 Indigenous communities. Feedback from local experts, such as municipalities, environmental specialists and other neighbourhood groups, has also helped shape our project.

We selected our final route based on technical considerations, City of Burnaby input and feedback we received during our community engagement.

Leaving a lasting legacy

It’s important to us to restore the areas where we work to the way they were before, or better. Once the project is complete, we’ll take steps to enhance the natural areas where we worked by removing invasive species such as blackberries, and replanting with local species

As part of the Pattullo Gas Line Replacement project, we partnered with the City of Burnaby to design and build a new cycling and walking path along the route to provide a lasting local benefit and thank the community for its patience during construction. 

Woman wearing safety vest crouches down in a grassy area, smiling at the camera
Once work on the FortisBC Gas Line Upgrades was complete in 2019, we planted a pollinator garden at the foot of Burnaby Mountain, designed to attract—and create habitat for—a variety of bee species. Dr. Elizabeth Elle, Professor, SFU Department of Biological Sciences, visits the newly planted garden.

Creating local jobs and Indigenous opportunities

Man wearing hard hat and TSI vest
Steve Stark, president and CEO, TSI and member of the Tsawwassen First Nation.​​​​​

We want to maximize the benefits our projects bring to the communities they are happening in through creating local jobs, fair access to contracts for local and Indigenous suppliers, and investing in community organizations. On the Pattullo Gas Line Replacement this included:

  • Approximately $32.9 million of project spend going to 78 B.C.-based businesses in 2021. 
  • 13 Indigenous-owned and -affiliated businesses working on the project, with contracts worth more than a combined $10 million.

Delta-based Tsawwassen Shuttles Inc. is one of the local Indigenous businesses on the project. We spoke to company president and CEO, and Tsawwassen First Nation member Steve Stark about his company, its work on our projects, and working together on business development and employment opportunities for Indigenous communities.

Regulatory process

On June 30, 2021, we received approval of our application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from our regulator the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC).

Additional resources

We engaged with stakeholders, the local community and Indigenous communities to support the project. Materials related to these discussions are available below.